calendar>>August 31. 2016 Juche 105
Day of Songun Marked in Nigeria, Angola
Pyongyang, August 31 (KCNA) -- Events took place in Nigeria and Angola on August 23 and 24 on the 56th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of Songun revolutionary leadership.

They included a Korean book exhibition at the Bakura Farm of Zamfara State of Nigeria and a reading session and lecture by a company of Angola and the Committee of Angola for Friendship and Solidarity with Peoples.

On display at the venue of the exhibition were books introducing the undying exploits of President Kim Il Sung, leader Kim Jong Il and Marshal Kim Jong Un and the successes achieved by the servicepersons and people of the DPRK in the building of a socialist power.

The director of the Social Education Department of the Committee of Angola for Friendship and Solidarity with Peoples said that the DPRK has honorably defended the sovereignty and dignity in the standoff with the U.S. styling itself the "only superpower" in the world for a long period since Kim Jong Il started his Songun revolutionary leadership.

The eye-opening reality in which the DPRK has achieved invincibility and prosperity with single-minded unity would be unthinkable without his Songun revolutionary leadership feats, the director noted, adding:

Though he passed away, the immortal revolutionary exploits he performed before the times and humankind with his unique Songun politics are shedding more brilliant rays thanks to Kim Jong Un.

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