calendar>>September 1. 2016 Juche 105
Papers Call for Strengthening Non-Aligned Movement
Pyongyang, September 1 (KCNA) -- Papers Thursday dedicate articles to the Day of the Non-Aligned Movement which call for developing the movement.

The first non-aligned summit was held in Belgrade, the capital city of former Yugoslavia, on Sept. 1, 1961 with delegates of 25 countries attending.

The member countries of the movement declared the day as the Day of the Non-Aligned Movement and conducted diverse work and events every year.

The DPRK became a member of the movement on Aug. 25, 1975.

The present era is the era of independence and anti-imperialist independence is the idea of the movement, says Rodong Sinmun.

It goes on:

For the non-aligned countries to boost solidarity and cooperation is a source of invincible might of the movement and a decisive guarantee for the victory of the cause of independence against imperialism.

The movement has grown to be the one having more than a hundred of member countries to play an important role in the development of the world situation and the solution of international issues.

The DPRK, a dignified member of the movement, will firmly join hands with all non-aligned countries, resolutely oppose the imperialists and positively fight for peace and democracy, national independence and social progress and make all efforts to ensure that the movement creditably performs its historic mission in the future, too.

Minju Joson says that only when the non-aligned countries get united and struggle while firmly adhering to the independent stand against imperialism, can they surely realize their ideal and desire.

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