calendar>>September 1. 2016 Juche 105
Spokesman for C.C., Journalists Union Hits back at S. Korean Conservative Media's False Propaganda against DPRK
Pyongyang, September 1 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Central Committee of the Journalists Union of Korea released a statement on Thursday denouncing the Park Geun Hye regime of south Korea for letting its conservative media stage a mad-cap false propaganda against the 200-day campaign of loyalty underway in the DPRK.

Recalling that Chosun Ilbo, Choongang Ilbo, Yonhap News, News 1, Daily NK and other south Korean conservative media are running the whole gamut of false propaganda to play down the eye-opening successes made in the 200-day campaign in the DPRK, the statement termed it another hideous politically-motivated provocation against the DPRK and an unpardonable insult to its service personnel and people all out in the campaign.

Noting media should become pioneers steering the trend of the times and speaking for justice and truth, the statement goes on:

All media of the Korean nation suffering the tragedy resulting from territorial division should contribute to repairing the north-south ties, promoting national reconciliation and unity and creating an atmosphere favorable for peace and the reunification of the country.

As facts show, the die-hard conservative media of the puppet regime are making no scruple of spouting a litany of provocative remarks to do harm to the compatriots in the north and stoke confrontation, playing the role of mouthpieces of the old witch of Chongwadae. These disgusting behaviors only shed light on their true colors as pseudo group and group of hack writers that serve Park Geun Hye, the target of hatred and deadly blows.

Now the north-south ties have been put at the lowest ebb and the distrust and hostility between the compatriots reached an extreme pitch. The conservative media of south Korea are also responsible for this situation as they have danced to the tune of the confrontation maniac of Chongwadae.

The false propaganda of the conservative media is no more than a ridiculous farce orchestrated by the puppet regime, exasperated by the eye-opening reality in the DPRK that has brought about world-startling miracles and innovations.

But with no sophism can the conservative media of south Korea hold in check the dynamic advance being made by the single-mindedly united service personnel and people of the DPRK for building a socialist power.

The service personnel and people of the DPRK will never pardon the thrice-cursed crime of the conservative media, groups of heinous hack writers and traitors, but will make them pay dearly for it when the north-south relations are repaired and the cooperation between media in the north and the south becomes brisk.

The media persons of conscience in south Korea should deal telling blows at the Park regime and its reptile ultra-right conservative media driving the north-south ties into an irretrievable catastrophe by energetically wielding their pens of justice and truth, and more dynamically turn out in the struggle for the sacred and patriotic cause of national concord and reunification.

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