calendar>>September 2. 2016 Juche 105
KPA Panmunjom Mission Exposes Adventurous Nature of Ulji Freedom Guardian
Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- The Panmunjom Mission of the Korean People's Army (KPA) released a white paper Friday exposing the adventurous nature of the joint military exercises Ulji Freedom Guardian expanded by the U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppet forces for decades.

The white paper branded the joint military exercises as a direct product of the hideous hostile policy toward the DPRK pursued by the U.S. and its military strategy.

The U.S. imperialists' hostile policy toward the DPRK assumes the most despicable and most ferocious aggressive nature, the white paper said, and went on:

The main point here is to put the DPRK under their control by force.

After the Cold War they invented lots of war scenarios to establish military domination over the whole of Korea and steadily modified and supplemented operational plans of all kinds for their materialization.

Ulji Freedom Guardian which has been staged every year is just an example of the scenarios.

Ulji Focus Lens joint military exercises which put emphasis on simulation drill on maps were expanded into large-scale war exercises called Ulji Freedom Guardian in 2008 with the U.S. imperialist aggression forces who regard the Korean peninsula as their operational theatre, the puppet forces, all the puppet central and local administrative organs, munitions, civilian enterprises and all human and material resources of south Korea involved.

After having a confab on offering the puppet forces an "extended deterrence" including nuclear war means and diverse conventional armed forces in June, 2009, the U.S. imperialists staged Ulji Freedom Guardian joint military exercises with a focus on raising the operational commanding capabilities of units to be involved in the attack for aggression on the north under new operational plan in August in the same year.

In 2010, the U.S. increased its troops participating in the joint military exercises three times compared with the previous year while trumpeting about "countermeasure to the north's attack on warship Cheonan" and brought to the areas around the Korean peninsula huge troops including nuclear carrier attack force and preemptive nuclear attack means.

After setting 2015 as "year of war" and August when Ulji Freedom Guardian started as "month of starting the war", the U.S. went hell-bent on the joint military drills.

Ulji Freedom Guardian is the largest-ever one simulating an actual war that has been expanded in a phased manner.

The U.S. dispatches tens or hundreds of troops to other countries and regions for military exercises with various missions.

The number involved in Ulji Freedom Guardian is several hundred times as compared with them.

War means involved in Ulji Freedom Guardian also assume extreme adventurous nature.

By origin, the U.S. imperialists kept it as a top secret to mobilize nuclear war lethal weapons in joint military exercises in the past.

Today they are openly making public the introduction of nuclear war weapons and their striking power without any hesitation. This proves that their moves for aggression against the DPRK have entered the phase of implementation after going beyond a limit line.

Branding Ulji Freedom Guardian as a preemptive nuclear strike exercise that has gone beyond a limit line, the white paper continued:

Recently the enemies are trumpeting about the theory of preemptive strike premised on "symptom of use of nuclear weapons" and "signs".

This is a revelation of their sinister ambition to mount a preemptive attack on the DPRK by their own "decision" and "judgment" when an opportunity presents itself.

Ulji Freedom Guardian is all directed to realizing this scheme for a preemptive attack.

It aims at mounting a surprise preemptive nuclear attack on the DPRK once an opportunity is offered as huge nuclear war troops have already been introduced. Herein lie the danger and adventurous nature of Ulji Freedom Guardian.

It is the trite method of the imperialists to describe war as "peace", aggression as "defense" and plunder as "aid".

In the face of the flurry of censure and denunciation of the aggressive and adventurous nature of the joint military exercises, the enemies have made profound confusing of the right and wrong with such impudent sophism as "regular and open exercises", "normal exercises whose transparency is guaranteed" and "annual defensive drill".

The enemies talk volumes about "defensive nature" of the joint military drills but, in actuality, brought riffraffs of nine satellite countries to Ulji Freedom Guardian under the pretext of "visit".

Dancing to the tune of their American master's ballad of "defence" the south Korean puppet forces are trying to create fear of "threat from the north" among the south Korean inhabitants and incite hostility toward the fellow countrymen in a bid to justify the preemptive nuclear attack drill against the DPRK.

The moves of the U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppet forces to realize at any cost their scheme for invading the DPRK can never be tolerated.

If they persistently resort to Ulji Freedom Guardian and other nuclear war exercises against the DPRK, they will face most merciless and miserable end, warned the white paper.

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