calendar>>September 2. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Urges U.S. to Behave with Prudence
Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- It is the best way for the U.S. to be prudent and restrain itself, not hurting the dignity and security of the DPRK, says Rodong Sinmun Friday in a commentary.

The commentary goes on:

The U.S. can never conceal the aggressive nature of Ulji Freedom Guardian joint military drill being staged in collusion with the south Korean puppet forces, no matter how noisily it may assert its non-provocative nature.

What matters is that dark clouds of a nuclear war are not hanging over the Korean peninsula only.

The U.S. pushed the south Korean puppet regime to decide on the deployment of THAAD. Its operational sphere covers the depth of China and Russia.

The U.S. has openly beefed up its forces in Asia-Pacific to encircle and pressurize its potential rivals in the region, while staging a series of nuclear war drills targeting the DPRK under the pretext of "annual" and "defensive" ones designed to thwart the "threat" from the DPRK.

What the U.S. seeks through the war rehearsal is to verify its plan for making a preemptive nuclear strike at the DPRK, seize its unchallenged military edge over Russia and China and maintain its hegemonic position in the region. That is why Russia and China are airing unrest and concern about the on-going military drill.

The mad-cap joint military drill being staged by the U.S. imperialists with the puppet forces is as foolish and reckless an act as precipitating their self-destruction.

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