calendar>>September 2. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Body Urges Wholesale Reexamination of Issue of THAAD Deployment
Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- The Citizens Solidarity for Democratic Society of south Korea issued a statement Thursday in demand of the wholesale reexamination of the issue of THAAD deployment.

The "government" is claiming that it can intercept the north's missiles by use of THAAD, but it is well-known that it is hard to expect its military efficiency, said the statement.

The neighboring countries are regarding the deployment of THAAD in south Korea as access to the U.S.-Japan missile defense system, but only the "government" is denying it, the statement charged.

THAAD deployment can not be interpreted otherwise than the radar operation and information sharing targeting the neighboring countries, it held.

It urged the "National Assembly" to form an ad hoc committee in order to reexamine the issue and thoroughly probe the truth behind the undemocratic and obscure decision on THAAD deployment.

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