calendar>>September 3. 2016 Juche 105
Independent Reunification of Korea Supported by British Body
Pyongyang, September 3 (KCNA) -- The Korean people will bring a fresh dawn of reunification by dynamically waging a gigantic struggle for the independent reunification of the country.

The British Association for the Study of Songun Policy said this in an article titled "Immortal programme for reunification" posted on its website on Aug. 17.

The article said Korea's reunification is a last instruction of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il. It went on:

The President, who worked heart and soul to give a reunified country to all the Koreans, laid a solid foundation for national reunification with far-sighted acumen and patriotic devotion.

HE Kim Jong Il, who inherited the revolutionary cause of the President, provided a great turn in the movement for national reunification.

His classic work "Let Us Carry Out the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung's Instructions For National Reunification" is an immortal programme for reunification that clarifies his will to provide a reunified country to all the Korean people.

HE Kim Jong Un, who is possessed of rare wisdom, sophisticated leadership ability and noble virtue, is arousing the Korean people to implementing the President's and Kim Jong Il's instructions for national reunification.

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