calendar>>September 5. 2016 Juche 105
Annual University Students Sports Contest in DPRK
Pyongyang, September 5 (KCNA) -- 39 years has passed since President Kim Il Sung published his work "Theses on Socialist Education" on September 5, 1977.

The work refers to the essence, contents and methods of the socialist education, fundamentals of socialist pedagogy and principles to be maintained in the socialist educational work as well as to the orientation and ways for developing the socialist educational system in the DPRK.

In celebration of this day, a national university students sports contest for September 5 Prize has been held in the country every year.

The contest includes football, basketball, volleyball, defence sports, swimming, Taekwon-Do and other events.

In this year's contest held in August, students from Kim Il Sung University, Kim Hyong Jik University of Education, Hamhung University of Chemical Engineering and Chongjin University of Mining showed good results.

The annual contest serves as a good occasion in glorifying the undying feats of the peerlessly great persons for the nation's educational development and displaying the vitality of the Workers' Party of Korea's policies on Juche-based education and mass sports.

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