calendar>>September 6. 2016 Juche 105
C.C., DFRK Calls for Bringing about New Dawn of Independent Reunification and Prosperity of Nation
Pyongyang, September 7 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Democratic Front for the Reunification of Korea (DFRK) sent an appeal to the whole Korean nation on Wednesday in connection with the lapse of 71 years since the U.S. imperialist aggression forces occupied south Korea.

The appeal said that it is hard to find such absurd and unlawful brigandish act as the occupation of south Korea by the U.S. imperialist aggressors in any other parts of the world. It went on:

The U.S. imperialists divided one territory and one blood vessel of one nation into two and lorded it over south Korea as a de factor ruler for decades but there is neither single document nor a single paragraph of agreement that can support even its mere form. This is the truth about the U.S. imperialists' occupation of south Korea.

Steadily training and replacing their hand-raised running dogs, the U.S. imperialists turned south Korea into their permanent colony and egged pro-U.S. stooges on to the acts for hostility, confrontation and aggression against the DPRK and mover for stifling it, deliberately standing in the way of achieving national reunification.

The U.S. imperialist aggressor forces in south Korea are the root cause of all disaster and pain suffered by the Korean nation in its modern history and they are a pronoun of aggression and war and symbol of injustice and evil.

The withdrawal of the U.S. forces from south Korea is a matter of urgent concern of the international community and countries around Korea aspiring after stability and development of the region and it is a top priority political task.

The world progressive forces loving justice and aspiring after peace should pay due attention to the Korean nation's struggle against the U.S. and war that has lasted century after century and render active support and encouragement to the just sacred war for the withdrawal of the U.S. forces from south Korea.

The U.S. should clearly understand that its justification or pretext for its aggression forces' presence in south Korea will no longer work.

The U.S. imperialist aggressors should make a proper option at the present crucial crossroads if they do not want to be a wandering spirit without even label in the second Korean war.

The appeal noted that no one can block the advance of the Korean nation to drive the U.S. imperialists out of south Korea and usher in a new era of independent reunification and peace and prosperity, and the final victory belongs to the Korean nation.

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