calendar>>September 7. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Calls for Making Steady Progress for Victory in 200-Day Campaign
Pyongyang, September 7 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Wednesday editorially calls for making ceaseless attack and uninterrupted advance for the victory in the 200-day campaign and thus glorifying this significant year as a year of proud struggle and victory to be specially recorded in the history of the Party and the country.

All the people are registering proud achievements in the 200-day campaign of loyalty, the editorial says, and goes on:

The workers in the fields of electricity power, coal and metal industries and railway transport have made a decisive breakthrough towards the victory in the 200-day campaign by hitting without fail the high goals set by themselves.

Keeping pace with the four vanguard sectors, the building materials, chemical, mining and machine industries, forestry, light industry and other fields have brought about an unprecedented surge in production.

The agricultural workers are devoting themselves to the work for attaining the goal of grain production set forth by the Party despite unfavorable climate conditions.

Scientists and technicians have made many valuable achievements in the drives to bolster up the capability for self-defence, update the national economy and locally produce equipment and materials required.

Service personnel and builders are creating new legendary stories about construction in Juche Korea at the construction site of Ryomyong Street and other major construction sites.

Party members, people, service personnel, youth and students have grown strong in faith and self-development-first spirit in the course of the 200-day campaign. This is the most valuable success.

The achievements made in the on-going campaign are very great and its victory is certain but a lot of huge tasks are facing us and the hostile forces are getting ever more desperate in their efforts to block our advance.

Now is the time for all Party members and other working people to make ceaseless attack and uninterrupted advance to successfully conclude the 200-day campaign.

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