calendar>>September 7. 2016 Juche 105
People's Revolutionary Government, First Power in DPRK
Pyongyang, September 7 (KCNA) -- With the approach of the founding anniversary of the DPRK, the Korean people recall the historic days when the first revolutionary power came into being in the country.

In the early years of his revolutionary activities, President Kim Il Sung regarded the question of power as the main issue of the revolution and set forth the line of building a Juche-based power. And he had wisely led the work to establish a people's revolutionary government at guerrilla bases around the River Tuman in conformity with specific conditions of the Korean revolution.

The Commune and the Soviet were the only forms of working-class government at that time. But they were inconsistent with conditions of Korea, a colonial semi-feudal society where the capitalist development was repressed due to the occupation by the Japanese imperialist aggressors.

From this point of view, Kim Il Sung delivered a speech "The People's Revolutionary Government Is Genuine People's Power" at the assembly for setting up the people's revolutionary government in Gayahe, Wangqing, in March Juche 22 (1933).

In his speech he stressed that the people's revolutionary government is a power based on the worker-peasant alliance led by the working class and on the united front of broad masses of people standing against the Japanese imperialist aggressors and it is a genuine people's power run by the people as its masters.

Later, district people's revolutionary government appeared in most guerrilla bases around the River Tuman with peasant committee in some areas. The people's revolutionary government distributed the land free to inhabitants and enforced such popular policies as eight-hour working system, free education and free medical services, bringing about great social reforms in the bases.

After all, the people's revolutionary government served as a prototype of the people's power founded in Korea after its liberation from Japan's colonial rule on August 15, 1945.

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