calendar>>September 8. 2016 Juche 105
Joint Resolution Released
Pyongyang, September 8 (KCNA) -- The north, the south and overseas headquarters of the Pan-national Alliance for Korea's Reunification (Pomminryon) released a joint resolution on September 8.

The resolution said:

71 years have passed since the U.S. imperialist aggression forces landed in south Korea under the mask of "liberator".

The U.S. forces' occupation of south Korea was an illegal and gangster-like aggression perpetrated with a sinister aim to lay a bridgehead for carrying out their ambition to dominate Asia and the rest of the world by conquering the whole of Korea.

It is really deplorable that Korea, which was neither a war criminal state nor a defeated nation, has suffered the tragedy of national division for decades under the colonial rule of the Yankees.

As long as the U.S. forces are present in south Korea, neither peace can settle on this land nor can reunification, the desire of the nation, be achieved nor the danger of a nuclear war be defused.

The north, the south and overseas headquarters of the Pomminryon issue the following resolution with the will to drive out the U.S. forces out of south Korea, achieve the independent reunification of the country and take the lead in ushering in a new era of nation's prosperity:

1. Pomminryon will take the lead in the struggle for driving the U.S. forces out of the country as soon as possible and achieve the complete sovereignty and durable peace of the nation.

2. Pomminryon will resolutely smash the reckless war moves of the anti-reunification forces at home and abroad.

3. Pomminryon will vigorously promote the great national unity.

The resolution ardently called on all Koreans to firmly unite under the banner of By Our Nation Itself and turn out as one in the nation-wide anti-U.S. sacred war for driving the U.S. forces out of the country and ushering in a new era of an independent reunification, peace and prosperity.

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