calendar>>September 8. 2016 Juche 105
Great Men's Feats Associated with History of Building Juche-based Power
Pyongyang, September 8 (KCNA) -- With the founding anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (September 9, 1948) as an occasion, the Korean people recollect the undying feats performed by their great leaders in the history of building the Juche-based power.

President Kim Il Sung set forth the line of building a people's power and gained precious experience for building the power during the anti-Japanese armed struggle.

In his historic speech at an assembly for setting up the people's revolutionary government in the Fifth District, Wangqing in March 1933, he clarified that the people's revolutionary government is a genuine power for the popular masses which defends their rights and freedom and struggles for the country's independence and its people's happiness.

Under the people's government set up in guerrilla zones, the Korean people could do farming without any worries and their children could study free of charge.

After Korea's liberation from Japan's colonial rule, he founded the people's government and regular armed forces inheriting the anti-Japanese revolutionary traditions and enforced overall democratic reforms to lay a solid foundation for building an independent and sovereign state. On this basis, he founded the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Afterwards, he had led the work to strengthen the power organs and consolidate the state and social system.

Thanks to his tireless efforts, many popular policies could be enforced in the country by the Party and government. They include universal free education system, universal free medical care system, social insurance and social security system, system of rest at sanatoria and a system of offering houses at the state expense.

With the President's idea on Juche-based nation-building and his undying feats, leader Kim Jong Il had strengthened the DPRK into a dignified sovereign state and a powerful socialist country guided by ardent patriotism.

In his historic work "Let Us Bring the Advantages of Our People's Government into Fuller Play" published in December 1992, he referred in detail to the stability and vitality of the people's government and to the matters for improving the role of the power organs.

In September 2008, he made public a celebrated work "The Democratic People's Republic of Korea Is a Juche-Oriented Socialist State with Invincible Might". In the work he clarified the popular and independent characters of the DPRK and its invincible might, indicating the tasks and ways for stepping up the building of a thriving nation.

Pursuing the Songun (military-first) policy for decades, he led the people's power to fully discharge its mission and duty as a representative of the people's rights for independence, organizer of their creative ability and activities, householder responsible for the people's living and protector of their interests.

Even when the country was pressed hard for everything, he made sure that the popular policies of the Party and the state were invariably maintained and socialist fairylands were built in various parts of the country.

The DPRK is now giving full play to its might as the Juche-based socialist state, most dignified in the world, under the guidance of supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

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