calendar>>September 8. 2016 Juche 105
National Meeting Held to Mark DPRK Founding Anniversary
Pyongyang, September 8 (KCNA) -- A national meeting took place at the People's Palace of Culture on Thursday to celebrate the 68th founding anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

President Kim Il Sung declared all over the world the founding of the DPRK on September 9, Juche 37 (1948) on the basis of the experience of building the people's power gained in the flames of the anti-Japanese revolution and on the basis of the firm foundation laid in the building of the independent and sovereign state after Korea's liberation.

Present at the meeting were Kim Yong Nam, Hwang Pyong So, Pak Pong Ju and other senior officials of the party, state and army, the chairperson of a friendly party, members of the party central leading organ in Pyongyang, deputies to the Supreme People's Assembly, officials of the party, armed forces and power organs, social organizations, ministries and national institutions, officials of organs and industrial establishments in Pyongyang, labor innovators, bereaved family members of revolutionary martyrs, a congratulatory group of Koreans in Japan, overseas Koreans and the chief of the Pyongyang mission of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front.

Present there on invitation were foreign diplomatic envoys, representatives of international bodies and military attaches of foreign embassies here.

Pak Pong Ju, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and premier of the DPRK Cabinet, made a report.

He said that the founding of the DPRK meant the birth of the new type people's power, the first of its kind in history, and an event of national historic significance as it brought about a dramatic turn in carving out the destiny of the Korean people and building a rich and powerful country.

He went on:

Over the nearly seven decades the DPRK has made a history of great victory and changes, most successfully implementing a lot of historic tasks of building a powerful state in the era of independence despite the stern tempest of the revolution under the guidance of the great leaders and great Party.

The great Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il performed undying exploits by building powerful politico-ideological, military and economic potentials so that the DPRK might achieve prosperity down through generations.

The great leaders set forth the single-minded unity as foundation of Korean-style socialism and mainstay for building a powerful country and strengthened the driving force of the revolution in every way, consolidating the politico-ideological position of the DPRK as firm as a rock.

During the whole period of leading the revolution, the great leaders attached utmost importance to military affairs and directed all efforts to bolstering up national defence capability, turning the Korean People's Army into a matchless revolutionary Paektusan army and glorifying the DPRK as a world military power.

The great leaders regarded the reunification of the country as the greatest patriotic cause and made every possible effort to hand down a reunified country to posterity till the last moments of their revolutionary lives. They made undying contributions to accomplishing the cause of global independence through their energetic external activities.

The DPRK is greeting the greatest heyday in the building of a powerful socialist country under the leadership of Marshal Kim Jong Un, the reporter stressed, adding:

The DPRK will thoroughly implement the three charters for national reunification true to the Juche-oriented line of reunification set forth by the great leaders and thus surely achieve the historic cause of national reunification by the concerted efforts of all Koreans.

The government of the DPRK will as ever firmly preserve the tenet of its foreign policy--independence, peace and friendship, and make proactive efforts to boost the good-neighborly relations and friendly and cooperative relations with those countries which respect the sovereignty of the DPRK and are friendly towards it, protect peace and security in the region and achieve global independence.

No force on earth can block the army and people of the DPRK dashing ahead like the wind towards the high eminence of a socialist power, having Kim Jong Un at the helm of the revolution, he concluded.

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