calendar>>September 9. 2016 Juche 105
Korean Victims Remembered in Japan
Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- Koreans in Tokyo met at the monument to remember Korean victims who were killed at the great Kanto quake in Tokyo on September 1 on the lapse of 93 years since the Japanese imperialists ruthlessly killed Koreans during the quake.

The participants observed a moment's silence in memory of those who were killed during the quake.

Jo Il Yon, chairman of the Tokyo Metropolitan Headquarters of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon), in a memorial address said that the Japanese authorities have neither made apology and reparation to those killed during the quake nor probed the truth but have gone all the more despicable in their moves against the DPRK, Chongryon and Koreans while concealing the historic facts of the massacres of Koreans.

He demanded the Japanese authorities work for the earlier normalization of DPRK-Japan relations based on the proper liquidation of the past in the spirit of the DPRK-Japan Pyongyang Declaration.

Kazuaki Ashizawa, representative of the Tokyo Ward Assemblymen's Liaison Society for the Promotion of Japan-Korea Friendship, and Seizaburo Ekuchi, representative of the Tokyo-Pyongyang Rainbow Bridge, made speeches.

Noting that the Japanese reactionaries are floating words that there were no massacres of Koreans during the great Kanto quake, the speakers said the Japanese reactionaries should properly approach history.

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