calendar>>September 10. 2016 Juche 105
Truth behind Group Abduction of Women Employees of DPRK Can Never Be Concealed
Pyongyang, September 10 (KCNA) -- More than 150 days have passed since Korean women working abroad were taken to south Korea after being abducted in group by gangsters of the puppet Intelligence Service.

Despite strong protest and denunciation by the public at home and abroad the puppet forces have resorted to vicious and cruel "defection operation" against those abductees. Recently the gangsters worked out a plan to hold conspiratorial "interview" in a bid to describe the incident as a "defection from the north at free will".

The DPRK Emergency Measure Committee for Rescuing Abducted Persons Saturday released a detailed report to reveal the despicable nature of the desperate efforts made by the evil boss of Chongwadae and her group to dodge the crime of the group abduction and responsibility for it.

Revealing the thrice-cursed group abduction by the puppet forces, the detailed report said:

The case happened in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China on April 5 but the tentacles of the puppet Intelligence Service gangsters began stretching when they were operating a restaurant in Yanji, Jilin Province.

Gangsters of the puppet Intelligence Service intentionally approached the head of the restaurant who ran into heavy debts by hanging out with brokers and leading corrupt life, and put a bridle on him in a crafty way.

Pursuant to a scenario mapped out by their superior, the field gangsters of the puppet Intelligence Service prodded the head of the restaurant surnamed Ho who had already been reduced to their cat's paw into collecting passports of the women employees and going through departure formalities in secrecy. They even gave him 60 000 RMB.Y to buy plane tickets for Malaysia.

The women employees came to know that they were abducted only after they boarded the plane bound for south Korea and demanded return to homeland. At that time gangsters of the puppet Intelligence Service let Ho appease them with such words that "they are going to south Korea for a special duty" and forcibly took them to south Korea at last.

Disclosing the cruel and vicious "defection operation" conducted by the puppet group, the report continued:

The puppet group keen on escalating confrontation with the fellow countrymen, tried by hook or by crook to describe the group abduction as "defection from the north at free will" in a bid to shore up the bankrupt racket for sanctions against the DPRK.

They forced "defection" upon the DPRK women day and night by injecting Ringer's solution to them who were exhausted for strong mental shock and hunger strike.

Nevertheless, the puppet forces are claiming that "the DPRK women are under investigation in good health and they are staying at Lotte Hotel and listening to news of the south side and touring various places to be accustomed to the reality" in a bid to dodge domestic and foreign public criticism of the despicable "operation."

The detailed report denounced the mean behavior of the puppet forces to cover up the truth about the group allurement and abduction.

The Park Geun Hye group, driven into a tight corner for having failed to conceal its group allurement and abduction due to the daily-growing criticism, protest and condemnation by domestic and foreign public, is working hard to stage a conspiratorial broadcasting "interview" with the DPRK's women employees.

The tricksters and plot-breeders of the puppet Intelligence Service are conducting repeated rehearsals for "interviews" with the DPRK's women employees in such a way as changing reporters and observers every time.

It admits of no argument that the true aim of the rehearsals is to make the abductees hard to distinguish the real "interview" from the false one and air only the program judged as orchestrated according to their scenario.

The puppet forces are scheming to stage the above-said farce before and after Harvest Moon Day.

This indicates that, much upset by the strong public protest at home and abroad, they floated such false rumor that the DPRK's women employees settled in the society after going through inquiry by the authorities concerned and are hatching plots to justify their crimes by painting the abduction as "defection from north at free will" at any cost.

The puppet forces should clearly know that their base "operation" for forcing defection upon the abductees despite strong protest by the public at home and abroad would only bring to light their wicked nature as chieftains of allurement and abduction and terrorism and plot-breeding.

Noting that the puppet forces can never evade the responsibility for the hideous group allurement and abduction, the detailed report stressed the Korean people would surely force the wicked confrontation maniacs and devils without an equal in the world to pay a high price for their treachery and crimes against humanity.

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