calendar>>September 12. 2016 Juche 105
Yankees, Go Home: Swiss Bodies
Pyongyang, September 12 (KCNA) -- Yankees, go home!

The Swiss Preparatory Committee for the 2017 Meeting Praising Great Persons of Mt. Paektu, the Switzerland-Korea Committee and the Swiss Group for the Study of the Juche Idea said this in a joint statement on September 5 on the lapse of 71 years since the U.S. imperialist aggression forces occupied south Korea.

The statement said that the U.S. forces entered south Korea under the guise of "liberator" but, in fact, they were cruel colonial dominator that replaced the Japanese imperialists.

The U.S. has turned south Korea into its gigantic military base for over 70 odd years, the statement noted.

The U.S. has threatened the DPRK, an independent and sovereign state, by illegally introducing nuclear weapons into south Korea, it said, and went on:

The U.S. ignited the Korean war in the 1950s to occupy the whole of the Korean peninsula but was brought to its knees by the Korean people who fought under the outstanding leadership of the great Generalissimo Kim Il Sung.

The Korean people dynamically struggled to reunify the country under the wise guidance of the great Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

The respected Marshal Kim Jong Un will certainly bring a prosperous reunified power to the Korean people.

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