calendar>>September 13. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un Visits Farm No. 1116 Run by KPA Unit 810
Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK, gave field guidance to Farm No. 1116 under KPA Unit 810.

He looked round high-yielding varieties of crops harvested on the farm this year, saying that he was very pleased to receive a report on the newly-bred seeds of maize and dry-field rice.

Seeing corns as big as forearm, well ripe rice ears and other crops with a bright smile on his face, he expressed great satisfaction over the results, noting that every achievement made by the farm would make him feel refreshed and pleasant.

President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il, who had walked along lanes across farm fields in their lifetime in all weathers to solve the food problem for the people, would have been very glad to see those new high-yielding varieties of crops, he said.

He went round trial and cultivation plots, greenhouse and other parts of the farm to learn in detail about its seed production.

He was very satisfied over the fact that the farm bred a high-yield strain of maize suitable to the country's climatic and soil conditions.

The new strain of maize is resistant to rainy wind for its low height and very fit for double-cropping as its growth period is less than other strains, he noted, saying its per-hectare yield is beyond a preconceived idea.

He also noted with high appreciation that the farm's officials and researchers had bred a good strain of dry-field rice which is of high yield and strongly resistant to draught and harmful insects through their protracted inquiry and painstaking efforts.

And he gave his thanks to the officials, scientists and researchers, praising their merits for the breeding of new strains of maize and dry-field rice.

Watching several crops under trial cultivation at the farm's modern greenhouse, he stressed the need to further consolidate the material and technical foundations of the farm and said that he would help build one more modern greenhouse based on the latest technology.

He gave valuable instructions for the farm and named the new strain of maize "Phyongok 9".

Then he called for breeding more good strains which ensure safe harvest with less fertilizer and are resistant to draught, rainy wind, cold-weather, high temperature and harmful insects.

He expressed belief that the officials and party members and other employees of the farm would fully discharge their honorable mission and duty as the standard-bearer and vanguard in implementing the WPK's policy of bringing about a radical turn in seed improvement.

Accompanying him were Hwang Pyong So, O Su Yong, Jo Yong Won and Han Kwang Sang.

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