calendar>>September 13. 2016 Juche 105
Turning Misfortune into Favorable Conditions Is Tradition of DPRK
Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- The army and people of the DPRK faced difficulties all of a sudden at a time when they were nearing the unprecedented great victory in the significant year 2016.

Strong storm and downpour unprecedented in meteorological observation since the liberation of Korea hit the areas along the River Tuman in the northern tip of Korea, causing huge damage.

Tens of thousands of dwelling houses and public buildings collapsed, traffic network and power supply system and cultivated land were submerged or destroyed, inflicting great pain and hardships on the inhabitants.

Under the emergency situation the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea made a crucial decision to turn the main thrust of the 200 day-campaign into the drive of recovering from flood damage to tide over the difficulties.

It called on all the party members, service personnel and other people to direct all human, material and technical potentials of the country to the rehabilitation campaign in order to recover from the damage at an early date and win eye-opening victory in the struggle for turning misfortune into favorable conditions.

In hearty response to the ardent call of the party, the army and people of the DPRK are full of high enthusiasm and confidence to create new legendary stories about heroes startling the world in the recovery campaign and demonstrate once again the might of Juche Korea.

Turning adverse situation into favorable conditions--this is a proud tradition of Juche Korea.

This is the unique fighting mode which our party has maintained from the very start of the Korean revolution when it had to blaze a trail and the extraordinary disposition of the Korean people.

The victory in the anti-Japanese revolutionary war organized and led by President Kim Il Sung recorded the first page in the modern history of Korea as it was unprecedented military miracle in the world history of wars because the Korean People's Revolutionary Army which the enemies called a drop in the ocean beat back one million-strong forces of the Japanese imperialists which boasted of being "leader" of Asia and achieved the historic cause of liberating Korea.

In the Korean war in the 1950s which history termed "stand-off between rifles and A-bomb" the Korean people defeated the numerical and technological superiorities of the formidable imperialist enemy U.S. and its followers with politico-ideological and strategic and tactical superiorities, thus shattering the "myth" of the mightiness of the great American empire and bringing about the downhill turn for it.

The DPRK completed in just three years the post-war rehabilitation and construction though the U.S. imperialists claimed would not be done even in 100 years and worked the miracle of realizing in just 14 years the industrialization which would take others hundreds of years, by racing against the time amid the high-pitched drive of bringing about surge at the Chollima speed.

During the Arduous march, the forced march in the wake of hideous nuclear blackmail and sanctions racket against the DPRK, the collapse of socialism in several Eastern European countries and horrible natural disaster, the Korean people foiled the U.S. high-handed practices with toughest counteraction and laid a strong springboard from which to build a socialist power under the Songun guidance of leader Kim Jong Il.

As Marshal Kim Jong Un is standing at the helm of the revolution, this great tradition of the DPRK is being given a steady continuity.

The DPRK is now demonstrating its might as a nuclear power of Juche possessed of even H-bomb, not just as a matchless political and ideological power and military power under the wise guidance of the Workers' Party of Korea.

Unfolding in the country at present is the era of Mallima in which fresh surge and prosperity are brought about, changing the appearance of the country with each passing day.

The tradition of victory of the DPRK is a precious fruition of the might of single-minded unity of the great leader, great party and the great people and the mental power based on the spirit of self-reliance and self-development-first principle.

The army and people of the DPRK who recorded only victory, glory, exploits and miracles in the past annals of the revolution have turned out as one in the new campaign with confidence and optimism about the victory in the future under the wise guidance of the Workers' Party of Korea.

The world will witness a new history in which misfortune is turned into favorable conditions in the northern areas of Korea before long.

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