calendar>>September 14. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK FM Briefs Asian Diplomatic Envoys on Situation
Pyongyang, September 14 (KCNA) -- The Foreign Ministry of the DPRK held a briefing on the situation for Asian diplomatic envoys here on Wednesday.

Present there were the Mongolian, Vietnamese, Lao, Indonesian and Indian ambassadors to the DPRK and the charges d'affaires ad interim of the Cambodian, Malaysian, Iranian and Pakistani embassies here.

Choe Hui Chol, director general of the Asian and Oceanian Department of the ministry, informed them of the principled stand of the DPRK on the recent nuclear warhead explosion test.

The test made it possible for the DPRK to produce various type smaller, lighter and diversified nuclear warheads with high striking power as many as it desires, he said, stressing that the U.S. outrageous nuclear threat and blackmail only compel the DPRK to bolster up its nuclear attack capability hour by hour.

The DPRK will never lay down its nuclear weapons in the future, too but steadily bolster the state nuclear force both in quality and quantity to put a definite end to the U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK, he noted.

He called upon Asian countries to properly understand the root cause of the tension on the Korean peninsula and thoroughly maintain impartiality and neutrality as regards the issue of the peninsula.

Then he informed them in detail of the flood damage in the northern part of North Hamgyong Province.

He told them that the Workers' Party of Korea and the DPRK government suspended all the important construction projects including the construction of Ryomyong Street and are directing all human, material and technical potentials to the campaign to recover from the flood damage in hearty response to the noble intention of Marshal Kim Jong Un that there is no more urgent emergency than alleviating the pain of the people and there is no more important revolutionary work than mitigating their misfortune.

He appealed to the Asian countries which have the long-standing friendly and cooperative relations with the DPRK to proactively cooperate in the work for recovering from the flood damage in the northern part of North Hamgyong Province.

The briefing provided the diplomatic envoys of Asian countries in the DPRK with an occasion of having a more correct understanding of the fact that the DPRK is bolstering up its nuclear force for self-defense to defend its sovereignty and vital rights and the right to development in order to cope with the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK and nuclear threat to it that have lasted for several decades.

The diplomatic envoys expressed deep sympathy with the huge human and material damage caused by flood in the DPRK and their willingness to recommend the governments of their countries to deal with the issue of offering emergency humanitarian aid in the shortest period and to work hard to realize it.

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