calendar>>September 15. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Calls for Making Great Nationwide Conference for Reunification Success
Pyongyang, September 15 (KCNA) -- It is the urgent task for tiding over grave difficulties and achieving independent reunification of the country to open a great nationwide conference for reunification, Rodong Sinmun Thursday says in an article.

The article goes on:

However, the Park Geun Hye group is making desperate efforts to block the nationwide conference, kicking up an anti-DPRK confrontation racket in collusion with outside forces in utter disregard of the aspiration and wishes of all Koreans.

The reality goes to prove that the Park group of traitors are a group of wicked confrontation maniacs dead-set against the improvement of the north-south relations and peace and reunification of the Korean Peninsula.

If the south Korean puppet regime persistently takes the road of confrontation with the fellow countrymen and war against the north in collusion with outside forces, quite contrary to the Koreans’ ardent enthusiasm for reunification, they will not be able to escape history's stern judgment and final ruin

The Park group should bear in mind that their stubborn opposition to the great nationwide conference for reunification would spark off bitter anger and hatred for the regime of traitors and precipitate their doomsday.

The broad pro-reunification patriotic forces in the north, south and abroad will firmly unite as one and surely hold the great nationwide conference and wage a dynamic struggle for paving a wide avenue for independent reunification no matter how desperately the south Korean puppet group may work.

They would be well advised to face up to the unbreakable will of the nation for independent reunification and behave themselves.

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