calendar>>September 16. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary Assails Japanese Reactionaries' Anti-Chongryon Campaign
Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- Taken aback by the DPRK's successful nuclear warhead explosion test for self-defense, the Japanese reactionaries are getting frantic with campaign against the DPRK and Chongryon (General Association of Korean Residents in Japan).

The chief executive of Japan cried out for ratcheting up sanctions against the DPRK and the ruling and opposition parties agreed to adopt a "resolution critical of north Korea" at the Houses of Representatives and Councilors.

All papers and TVs of Japan are busy airing programs accusing the DPRK in a bid to rapidly build up public opinion critical of the DPRK. Against this backdrop right-wing gangsters of Japan have flocked to the Central Hall of Chongryon since Sept. 9 to perpetrate all sorts of hooliganism.

They brought dozens of loudspeaker vans around the hall to spout endless litany of such invectives that north Korea's ballistic rockets fell on exclusive economic zone of Japan, Tokyo condemns north Korea's nuclear warhead explosion test and it would expel Chongryon from Japan, creating a terror-ridden atmosphere there.

Groups of more than 10 gangsters attempted to break into the hall, a sign of persistent threat and blackmail against Chongryon and Koreans in Japan.

Such ceaseless hooliganism is nothing but a ruckus of those much scared by the DPRK's might increasing as the days go by under the banner of Songun as it is a clear manifestation of the Japanese reactionaries' persistent hostile policy toward the DPRK and Chongryon.

The gravity of the situation lies in that it is a deliberate and premeditated politically-motivated provocation aimed to incite the atmosphere of confrontation with the DPRK in the whole Japanese society by tarnishing the prestige and image of Chongryon, overseas Koreans organization of the DPRK, and intensifying persecution and pressure upon it.

With nothing can the Japanese reactionaries cover up their anti-DPRK, anti-Chongryon campaign as they have intentionally and systematically patronized the hooliganism of the right-wing gangsters under the guise of "people's sentiment."

The Korean people can hardly repress their towering resentment at the Japanese reactionaries who are painting themselves as "victims" and exploiting their campaign for intensifying the suppression of Chongryon, oblivious of the idea of making apology and reparation for the hideous crimes the Japanese imperialists committed against the Koreans in the past.

Suppression of Chongryon can never be pardoned as it is another wanton violation of the sovereignty of the DPRK.

The DPRK will never remain a passive onlooker to this repressive campaign but resolutely counter the Japanese reactionaries' despicable politically-motivated terrorism and persistent crackdown upon Chongryon and Koreans in Japan.

The Japanese authorities should be held fully responsible for the right-wing gangsters' hooliganism, stop the ceaseless provocations and sternly punish those responsible for it.

The DPRK will closely watch the behavior of the Japanese authorities.

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