calendar>>September 17. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Il Sung's Exploits Introduced by Cambodian Media
Pyongyang, September 17 (KCNA) -- Cambodian media carried special write-ups between August 27 and September 7 on the 68th founding anniversary of the DPRK.

The Cambodian newspaper Kmae Amata dedicated one whole page to an article titled "Founder of DPRK" with a photo of President Kim Il Sung.

The Korean people are holing him as the eternal President of the DPRK in high esteem, the newspaper said, praising exploits he performed in nation-building.

The AKP of Cambodia cited facts to prove that the Japanese imperialists conquered Korea by force and enforced the severe colonial rule, inflicting misfortune and pain upon the Korean people.

It noted that the distress-torn history of the Korean nation finally ended as the President led the anti-Japanese armed struggle to victory to accomplish the cause of national liberation.

It pointed out that August 15, 1945 was a turning point of history that made the colonial weak nation emerge as a power in the world.

It said that the President accomplished the cause of building the party, army and country and wisely led the hard-fought Fatherland Liberation War, postwar rehabilitation and construction and socialist construction.

Apsara Radio and F.M.90.5 Radio of Cambodia said that the President set forth the original idea and line of building a state and successfully carried them out and then founded the DPRK, the first people's democratic state, in the East on September 9, 1948.

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