calendar>>September 17. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Censures U.S. for Pulling up DPRK over Its Nuclear Warhead Explosion Test
Pyongyang, September 17 (KCNA) -- The U.S. chief executive talked such nonsense that the DPRK's nuclear warhead explosion test poses "threat" and it is "provocation" to peace and security and "disregard" of international code of conduct. And he staged such farce as releasing a "statement" that he would never recognize the DPRK's access to nukes but cooperate with the international community in taking additional harsh steps against it.

Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun Saturday terms it a robber's sophism like a criminal pointing an accusing finger at the victim.

The commentary goes on:

It is an ulterior aim of the U.S. to prevent its face from sinking in the world's eyes even a bit, brand the DPRK as "a threatening country" and "disturber of peace" at any cost and thus justify their racket against the DPRK, but this cynical ploy is no longer workable.

It was none other than the U.S. that pushed the DPRK to develop nuclear warheads. It was again the U.S. that compelled the DPRK to conduct the test for judging their power.

The U.S. would be well advised to reflect on its inglorious history in which it has been engrossed in posing threats and perpetrating provocations against the DPRK before trumpeting about "threat" over its nuclear warhead explosion test.

The U.S. is still working hard to do harm to the DPRK with something, failing to properly face up to the strategic position of the DPRK which ranked itself among nuclear powers and the trend of the times. This is a pipedream.

The U.S. is now busy making much fuss over the DPRK's nuclear test, but it is nothing but a grumble of a spiritless fellow.

The DPRK's nuclear deterrence serves as a reliable shield and treasured sword for defending peace on the Korean peninsula and in the region.

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