calendar>>September 18. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un Visits Kosan Combined Fruit Farm
Pyongyang, September 18 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, gave field guidance to the Kosan Combined Fruit Farm.

Kim Jong Un looked round the room for the education in the revolutionary history which was remodeled to convey to posterity the immortal revolutionary exploits performed by President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il on the farm.

Watching the precious historic relics with keen attention, he said that the farm founded under the far-reaching plan of the President turned into a combined fruit production base thanks to the loving care of Kim Jong Il.

Laudable successes achieved by the farm would be unthinkable without the devoted efforts exerted by Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il for indicating a bright prospect for the farm, he noted, adding that one should always remember how the history of the sea of apple orchards began at the foot of Chol Pass.

He enjoyed a bird's-eye view of the combined farm from the observation deck which Kim Jong Il mounted and looked round orchards.

Very pleased to hear that the farm expects to harvest more than 50 tons per hectare from the dozens of hectares of orchards this year, he said, his face beaming with a broad smile, every tree is heavily laden with apples.

He made around of the newly built fruits store and noted that officials and members of the Construction Shock Brigade 618 have successfully constructed the modern fruit store with a capacity of thousands of tons to be an impeccable one. He highly praised them for making a positive contribution to developing the combined farm into the world's leading young fruit farm.

Watching vehicles and forklifts provided by the Party, he was so kind as to promise to send more modern fruit-farming machines including power-driven sprayers to the farm.

Underlining the need for the farm to intensify the drive for making leaping advance in production on the basis of the achievements made this year, he set forth the tasks facing the farm.

He said the officials and employees of the farm has brought the greatest harvest of fruits in the history of Kosan by displaying the spirit of devotedly implementing the Party's policies, bearing deep in mind the Party's intention to sufficiently provide people with fruits. This farm is a model one and iconic one as it showed in practice how to carry out the Party policies. He gave the farm special thanks in the name of the Central Committee of the WPK.

The news of the rich fruit harvest which visited the farm would instill enormous strength and courage into those service personnel and people who are working fresh miracles in turning adversity into favorable situation in the campaign for recovering from the flood damage in the northern part of the country by dint of single-minded unity, he said, adding that he was very pleased to think about it.

He expressed the expectation and belief that officials and employees of the farm would develop the farm into a standard farm befitting a highly civilized socialist nation and the one to be proud of before the world and bring about fresh leaping progress in fruit production every year through the army-people coordinated operation.

Accompanying him were Vice Marshal of the Korean People's Army Hwang Pyong So, director of the General Political Bureau of the KPA, and Army Col. General So Hong Chan, first vice-minister of the People's Armed Forces.

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