calendar>>September 19. 2016 Juche 105
Int'l Body Lauds DPRK as Nuclear Weapons State
Pyongyang, September 19 (KCNA) -- The Korean Friendship Association headquartered in Spain made public a statement on Sept. 12.

Expressing full support to nuclear warhead explosion test conducted by the DPRK, the statement said:

Korea with the history of five thousand years was reduced to a colony of outsiders in the early last century for its weakness.

But, now the DPRK has turned into a nuclear power possessed of even H-bomb under the wise guidance of Marshal Kim Jong Un who is successfully carrying forward the idea and cause of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il.

The DPRK is a full-fledged nuclear weapons state no matter how desperately the imperialists may try to deny it.

Its nuclear strike means can mount attack on any places of the world.

No one can provoke the DPRK.

The earth without the DPRK can never exist.

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