calendar>>September 19. 2016 Juche 105
Japanese Reactionaries' Anti-Chongryon Burlesque under Fire
Pyongyang, September 19 (KCNA) -- Shortly ago, ultra-right gangsters of Japan brought dozens of loudspeaker vans to the area around the Central Hall of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan for several days and they went on the rampage, shouting "they would boot Chongryon out of Japan" while finding fault with the DPRK's measure for bolstering the nuclear deterrence for self-defence.

Groups of several gangsters even attempted to break into the hall for a desperate campaign against the DPRK and Chongryon.

Rodong Sinmun Monday in a commentary terms this a hysteric burlesque staged against Chongryon by those displeased with the might of the DPRK growing as the days go by under the banner of Songun.

The gravity of the recent incident lies in the fact that it was a deliberate and premeditated politically-motivated provocation to tarnish the prestige and image of Chongryon, dignified overseas Koreans' organization of the DPRK, intensify the persecution and suppression of it and stir up the atmosphere of confrontation with the DPRK in the Japanese society, the commentary notes, and goes on:

The Japanese authorities are wholly to blame for this because they are the arch criminals who connived at the incident and patronized and fostered it.

The Japanese authorities should be held fully responsible for the recent rampage of the ultra-right gangsters and stop the ceaseless provocations against the DPRK and Chongryon and sternly punish the criminals.

The DPRK will never connive at the vicious politically-motivated terrorism and persecution of Chongryon and the Koreans in Japan by the Japanese reactionaries but will resolutely counter them.

The Japanese reactionaries would be well advised to behave with discretion, bearing in mind that their intensified suppression of Chongryon and Koreans in Japan would only precipitate their ruin.

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