calendar>>September 21. 2016 Juche 105
Kwangpho Duck Farm
Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- Among the new natural monuments designated by the DPRK in recent years is a new species of duck President Kim Il Sung personally named "Kwangpho".

This duck is now raised on the Kwangpho Duck Farm in Jongphyong County of South Hamgyong Province.

The history of the farm tells about the peerlessly great persons' warm love for the people.

The construction of the farm began on a Cabinet decision adopted under the care of Kim Il Sung in June 1951 when the Fatherland Liberation War was at its height. And the farm came into being five days after the ceasefire on July 27, 1953.

The President inspected the farm in October 1953, stressing that the Party and the state should solve the meat problem in a responsible manner to provide all the people with enough meat.

When the farm was in a crisis with group deaths of duck from unexpected reason, he again visited it to indicate the ways for its conservation and took a step to get hatchery duck eggs from abroad.

Later, he taught how to quickly rear duck and process its meat and sent sample of duck eggs salted by him at his residence, showing deep care for the improvement of people's diet

Leader Kim Jong Il visited the farm in May 1974 and on other occasions to encourage its employees to boost the production. In November 2000 when he gave field guidance to South Hamgyong Province, he indicated the orientation for updating the farm.

Thanks to the energetic efforts and guidance of the great leaders, the Kwangpho Duck Farm turned into a modern poultry producer whose all processes are automated.

Now it makes great contribution to the improvement of people's diet under the loving care of supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

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