calendar>>September 22. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Suk's Lifetime Devoted to Defending Leader
Pyongyang, September 22 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero, in her lifetime had performed undying feats in devotedly defending the leader.

During the anti-Japanese war, she readily became human fortress and shield in many battles to safeguard President Kim Il Sung.

Despite cold weather, she washed Kim Il Sung's clothes and dried them with her own body.

Even after the country's liberation from Japan's colonial rule, she had been active as a bodyguard for the President of her own accord.

She did all what she could do to ensure the safety and health of the President, and there are many stories about her intensely loyalty to the leader.

Always regarding her as a soldier of the leader, she never addressed the President in familiar terms; she only said "General" or "Comrade Premier".

That's why Kim Jong Suk is still remembered by the Korean people as a great paragon in defending the leader.

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