calendar>>September 23. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Premier Inspects Nampho and Wonsan Ports
Pyongyang, September 23 (KCNA) -- DPRK Premier Pak Pong Ju made field surveys of Nampho and Wonsan Ports alive with the drive for transporting materials needed for recovering from the flood damage in the northern part of North Hamgyong Province.

He looked round harbor facilities and cargo ships at the ports to learn in detail about the loading of cement. Then he held consultative meetings.

The meetings discussed measures to fully ensure the safe sailing of cargo ships and cut down the time for loading and discharging cargo.

They stressed the need for the relevant units to mobilize and concentrate all forces and means on transporting materials for rehabilitation operations and enhance the responsibility and role of the crewmen of the ships.

Meanwhile, the premier took measures to boost materials transport for the operations to recover from flood damage in the northern area by minutely organizing the transport in the field of railway transport.

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