calendar>>September 23. 2016 Juche 105
Efforts Made for Normal Education in Flood-hit Areas
Pyongyang, September 23 (KCNA) -- A progress has been made in the production of educational equipment and materials to be sent to flood-hit North Hamgyong Province in northern part of the DPRK.

According to Kim Song Il, department director of the Ministry of General Education, 206,000 textbooks and references of several hundred kinds and 10,000 experimental apparatuses and reagents were urgently transported to the disaster areas.

The recent stormy downpours left at least 50 schools and kindergartens in cities and counties of the province collapsed or largely damaged.

At present the ministry is concentrating its efforts on the work to provide more educational equipment and materials and school things without delay.

Meanwhile, it has encouraged educational officials and teachers in the efforts to restore the destroyed schools and ensure their normal operation in the disaster areas as soon as possible.

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