calendar>>September 24. 2016 Juche 105
U.S. Had Better Exercise Prudence and Self-Restraint to Escape Crushing Strikes: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- It is an unpardonable challenge to the DPRK that the U.S. and its followers are pulling up the DPRK over its measures for bolstering nuclear deterrence for self-defense while terming them "provocations" and "threats", says Rodong Sinmun Saturday in an article.

The DPRK's coping with the threat from the hostile forces with self-defensive measures cannot be slandered by anyone as they are legitimate rights of a sovereign state which are stipulated in the UN Charter, the article notes, and goes on:

The U.S. should ponder over the acts it has done on the whole of the Korean peninsula, before taking issue with the DPRK's just self-defensive measures.

Now that the U.S., the biggest nuclear weapons state, is posing threats to the DPRK after setting it as the target of a preemptive nuclear attack, it is natural that the DPRK had access to nukes and has directed big efforts to increasing their capability at great expenses.

As far as the cause threatening peace and security on the Korean peninsula and peace in Northeast Asia and the rest of the world is concerned, it is attributable to the U.S. insisting on the bankrupt hostile policy toward the DPRK, a nuclear power in the East, not properly understanding the strategic position of the DPRK which has possessed of H-bombs and ranked itself among nuclear weapons states.

It is a pipedream that the U.S. is working hard to provoke the DPRK with preemptive nuclear attack.

The U.S., obsessed with its anachronistic ambition, had better stop acting rashly.

There is no room on the earth for it to avoid the deadly blow of the powerful revolutionary Paektusan army.

The only way for the U.S. to escape crushing strikes is to exercise prudence and self-restraint, refraining from infringing upon the dignity and security of the DPRK.

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