calendar>>September 24. 2016 Juche 105
UN Secretary General Condemned for Joining S. Korean Pro-U.S. Lackeys in Anti-DPRK Racket
Pyongyang, September 24 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Country of the DPRK gave an answer to a question put by KCNA Saturday to condemn the UN secretary general for taking the lead in the racket for ratcheting up sanctions against the DPRK in collusion with pro-U.S. conservative forces in south Korea. The spokesman said:

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon right after the DPRK's nuclear warhead explosion test had an exceptional press interview by abusing his power in which he blustered "it was a wanton violation of UN resolutions" and "the UN condemns it in the strongest words." In several official appearances he unhesitatingly spouted such extremely sinister and sordid outbursts as "the north poses threat to the world security" and "the UN Security Council should immediately take measures to stop the north's additional provocation".

This clearly proves that though Ban stalks as UN secretary general, he is, in fact, a political philistine pleasing the U.S. and the south Korean puppet group and blindly complying with their brigandish demands as he is bereft of elementary impartiality and reasonable thinking power to discern the right from wrong.

He is a confrontation maniac as he has abused the UN as a sinister political platform for slandering the DPRK, a full-fledged member of the UN, zealously pursuant to the hostile policy of the U.S. and its vassal forces.

The spokesman disclosed the sinister aim sought by Ban in taking the lead in fostering the atmosphere of the campaign against the DPRK in the international arena.

Ban whose tenure of office is expected to expire by the end of this year was reported to have expressed his intention to run for "presidential election" due in south Korea next year, revealing his political ambition, the spokesman said, and continued:

As he has no support base and he is incompetent in politics and, furthermore, he is not aware of the situation in south Korea, he has no other way but to cling close to the U.S. master and Park Geun Hye only to play the role of their marionette.

We do not care whether he tries to seek the presidency of south Korea in quest of power after being dethroned as UN secretary general.

But we keep tabs on all the high treasons he has committed by taking the lead in the moves to tighten international sanctions and pressure to stifle the DPRK, while acting as a faithful servant of the U.S. and marionette of the pro-U.S. conservative regime of south Korea at the UN.

Ban should bear in mind if he acts in concert with the Park Geun Hye group and goes mischievous while getting involved in the sanctions against the DPRK, out of his despicable partisan calculation, he will be made to pay a very high price.

We will closely follow the future behavior of Ban.

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