calendar>>September 25. 2016 Juche 105
UK Body Introduces S. Korean People's Struggle to Settle Accounts with Japan over Crimes Related to Sexual Slavery
Pyongyang, September 25 (KCNA) -- The British Association for the Study of Songun Policy posted an article titled "Bitter grudge" on its website on Sept. 15.

Actions of south Korean people are going on to settle accounts with Japan over its crimes related to the sexual slavery, the article said.

The Foundation for Preserving Justice to Settle the Issue of Sexual Slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army and other civic and public organizations held a press conference outside the Japanese Embassy in Seoul on August 31 at which they published a declaration denouncing Japan for trying to conceal the unethical crimes related to sexual slavery with a petty amount of money and the Park Geun Hye group of traitors for yielding to such act, it noted.

The declaration demanded the south Korean authorities nullify the wrong "agreement" immediately and dissolve the "Foundation for Reconciliation and Recovery", it pointed out.

Then the 1 246th Wednesday rally took place at the same place, it said, and went on:

The participants in a statement strongly demanded the abrogation of the humiliating "agreement", saying: We denounce Japan for working hard to conceal the historic truth with a petty amount of money and the Park Geun Hye regime for its despicable swindles.

Meanwhile, there appeared a memorial park for the victims of sexual slavery on Nam Hill, Seoul on August 29.

The park was created not to forget the heinous unethical crimes Japan committed against Korean women but to remember the victims of sexual slavery.

Girl statues indicting Japan's crimes related to sexual slavery are being erected in south Korea and the rest of the world in succession.

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