calendar>>September 26. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Regime's Repression of Workers Protested
Pyongyang, September 26 (KCNA) -- In south Korea the Park Geun Hye group of traitors is now harshly putting down the people's struggle for vital rights as "illegal".

In this regard, workers and other citizens in the DPRK have lifted up their voice of protest against the Park group's brutal repression.

Ri Myong Il, head of a workshop at the Pyongyang Electric Cable Factory 326, told KCNA:

Many inhabitants of south Korea contend that it has turned into a hell where democracy is put down and "yusin" dictatorship in the 1970s revived under the Park Geun Hye group's fascist rule.

This is well evidenced by the fact that the puppet police mercilessly fired water cannons at an aged peasant taking part in an all-out people's action for vital rights at the end of last year, who died at last.

South Korea is tundra of human rights where a tiny handful of privileged clans trample down the dignity and rights of the majority of the working masses.

Some time ago, the policy planning official of the puppet Ministry of Education dared say that the popular masses should be treated as dogs and pigs and a labor inspector described working people as slaves.

These remarks are an intensive expression of the anti-social policies of the Park Geun Hye group treating the working masses as animals.

In south Korea, more than 40 people a day are reported to kill themselves because of difficult living conditions.

The south Korean people should turn out to immediately beat down Park Geun Hye and her group that took office with such deceptive commitments as "era of people's happiness".

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