calendar>>September 26. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Institute of International Studies Exposes U.S. Nuclear Crimes
Pyongyang, September 26 (KCNA) -- The DPRK Institute of International Studies Monday released a memorandum exposing the nuclear crimes of the U.S.

It recalls that the U.S. "Manhattan Plan" and the nuclear disasters inflicted by it on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were aimed at exterminating mankind and using innocent people as guinea pigs, the memorandum noted, and went on:

The U.S. real intention of using nukes was to browbeat the progressives and bring the world to its knees by showing the destructive power of the bombs in the eyes of the world.

The U.S. made no scruple of hatching unethical plots and committing monstrous crimes for establishing an unchallenged monopoly on nukes and making our planet subject to chains of nuclear weapons in a bid to threaten the existence of mankind with nuclear sticks in every part of the world.

The U.S. deployed about 800 nukes in Okinawa, 600 in south Korea, 225 on Guam, 60 in the Philippines and 12 in Taipei, China in 1960, bringing the number of nukes to some 1,700 in total in Asia-Pacific. The number of nukes increased to 3,200 in 1967. The U.S. deployed at least 1,000 nukes in south Korea, in particular, in 1975 and more than 1,720 in 1985, according to the minutes of the "National Assembly" of south Korea in 1985.

In November 1948 Truman laid down "nuclear blackmail strategy" calling for making nuclear strike at the depth of socialist countries. But when the U.S. failed to establish monopoly on nukes, it came out with the doctrine for establishing "world domination with an unchallenged edge of strength" and put forth the "strategy for preempting the operation for containing surrounding countries," the strategy making the Soviet Union and progressive countries in its vicinity targets of attack.

The Korean War which broke out in June 1950 was the first war in which the above-said strategy was put into practice. On November 30, 1950 Truman directly gave the U.S. Strategic Flying Corps an instruction to make preparations for dropping A-bombs. In December MacArthur, commander of the U.S. forces in the Far East, brought an aircraft carrier with A-bombs aboard to the sea off Inchon.

When the U.S. defeat in the Korean War became clear, its warmongers vociferated about "large-scale retaliation strategy". In August 1953 right after the ceasefire the U.S. worked out the top-secret plan 8-53 for massively dropping nuclear bombs in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula and attempted to ignite a nuclear war.

The criminal nature of the U.S. nuclear war policy found the most vivid expression in its nuclear policy towards the DPRK.

When the DPRK-U.S. talks were kicked off, the Clinton Administration made assurance that the latter would neither use nor threaten the DPRK with armed forces including nukes but staged a series of mock nuclear attack drills targeting the DPRK at a military base in North Carolina State from January in 1998.

Bush II totally overturned the October 21, 1994, DPRK-U.S. Agreed Framework and the October 12, 2000, DPRK-U.S. joint communique and listed the DPRK as part of the "axis of evil" and a target of a preemptive nuclear attack upon it.

In the joint statement issued at the six-party talks on Sept. 19. 2005, the U.S. confirmed that there is no intent to attack or invade the DPRK with nukes or conventional weapons but at the annual security consultative meeting with south Korea in 2006 it went in the opposite direction by reiterating its plan to introduce nuclear carriers, nuclear submarines and strategic bombers and other latest nuclear war means in peace times, too.

The Obama administration excluded the DPRK from the object of non-use of nuclear weapons in the "report on nuclear posture review" in April, 2010. In the "quadrennial defense strategy review report" in March, 2014 it openly defined the DPRK as "the country posing a direct threat to it" and undisguisedly cried out for "containing it with nuclear force".

Pursuant to this scenario, the U.S. pushed the situation on the Korean peninsula to the brink of a nuclear war through the Ulji Freedom Guardian joint military drills with the south Korean warmongers in 2015. It staged the largest-ever Key Resolve and Foal Eagle 16 in March and Ulji Freedom Guardian nuclear war drill in August this year with all type nuclear war means involved. It recently decided to deploy THAAD in south Korea.

As long as the U.S. exists on the earth, the world without nuclear weapons is no more than a daydream and our planet will be in peace only when it is free from its aggression.

Thanks to Juche Korea, nuclear power of independence and justice, mankind's ideal to live independently and peacefully on our planet free from a war will surely come true.

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