calendar>>September 27. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Puppet Ministry of Unification Should Be Dissolved: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, September 27 (KCNA) -- Recently, the south Korean puppet forces set up at last an ill-famed "agency for north's human rights records" within the Ministry of Unification and remade the section for shaping unification policy a section for policy of peaceful unification, thereby reinforcing the mechanisms for the confrontation with the compatriots and for "human rights" abuses against the DPRK. On the other hands, they nearly dissolved the mechanisms for north-south cooperation which had remained in their names only.

Rodong Sinmun Tuesday says in a commentary in this regard:

Through the restructuring of mechanisms, the Park Geun Hye group of traitors definitely turned the puppet Ministry of Unification into the one for confrontation against reunification.

This shows their reckless frenzy that has reached an extreme phase in doing harm to the fellow countrymen in the north and in escalating confrontation with them.

By kicking off the "human rights" racket against the DPRK, they are working hard to put a stumbling block in the way of the DPRK which is advancing like the wind along the wide avenue of Songun for a sure victory. This is as foolish an act as trying to bolt a door with a boiled carrot.

It is as clear as noonday that there is no need for the puppet Ministry of Unification to exist as it has been reduced into a shock brigade for realizing Park's policy for confrontation with compatriots in the north and hordes of servants for Chongwadae serving Park going against the national concord and desire for reunification.

Accusations have long been heard in south Korea that the ministry is doing nothing but idling away in league with human scum, while acting a cat's paw serving Chongwadae. Such ministry escalating confrontation with compatriots and ministry standing against reunification while doing things only harmful to the national reconciliation and unity should not be "reshuffled" but be dissolved.

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