calendar>>September 28. 2016 Juche 105
16th Congress of Women's International Democratic Federation Supports Korean People
Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- The 16th Congress of the Women's International Democratic Federation (WIDF) held in Bogota, Colombia from September 14 to 18 expressed the support and solidarity with the just cause of the Korean people.

Marcia de Campos Pereira, president of the WIDF, in her key report at the plenary meeting expressed the belief that the WIDF will extend invariable support to the struggle of the Korean people including women against the U.S. sanctions.

A resolution in support of the just cause of the Korean people including women was adopted on September 17.

Noting that the U.S. upset by the DPRK's measures for bolstering up self-defensive military muscle is running amuck with sanctions and nuclear war drills, the resolution said:

The WIDF condemns the U.S. heinous hostile policy toward the DPRK reflecting the unanimous will of progressives who love justice and peace and solemnly declares as follows:

1. The U.S. should face up to the strategic position of the DPRK and the trend of the times and withdraw its anachronistic hostile policy toward it, replace the Armistice Agreement by a peace treaty and pull the aggression forces and war equipment out of south Korea.

2. The U.S. should lift sanctions to stifle the DPRK and stop inciting the south Korean authorities to confrontation with the fellow countrymen and take its hands off the issue of the Korean Peninsula.

3. Invariable is the stand of the WIDF struggling to build a new just, peaceful and independent world free from domination, subjugation, aggression and interference.

The WIDF extends full support to the struggle of the Korean people including women for achieving national reunification by the concerted efforts of the nation without interference by outside forces.

The final declaration reflecting the above-said resolution was adopted at the Congress.

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