calendar>>September 28. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's Leading Papers Accuse U.S. of Escalating Tension on Korean Peninsula
Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- The U.S. is entirely to blame for pushing the situation on the Korean peninsula to the uncontrollable danger of the outbreak of a nuclear war, say DPRK's leading newspapers on Wednesday in their commentaries.

Reminding its readers of the actions taken by the U.S. against the DPRK, Rodong Sinmun notes that the U.S. introduced strategic nuclear bombers into the southern part of the peninsula to make a preemptive nuclear strike at the DPRK.

It goes on:

Supposing that when the U.S. carried out a sub-critical nuclear test and an ICBM test-fire, a nuclear weapons state forward-deploys latest nuclear strike means in an area close to the U.S. territory and openly stages military drills targeting U.S. main facilities under the pretext of defending peace for the purpose of protecting a friendly non-nuclear weapons state, is it acceptable to the U.S.?

The U.S. senselessly made fuss in the Caribbean Sea extremely escalating the tension there when the Soviet Union forward-deployed nuclear missiles in Cuba in 1962.

It is illogical for the U.S. to claim that other country's nuclear weapons deployed in an area near the U.S. mainland are a threat to peace whereas U.S. nuclear weapons deployed in the southern part of the Korean peninsula are for defending peace.

The escalating tension on the peninsula will finally lead to a nuclear war and the prevailing situation is almost close to its brink.

Minju Joson says that the U.S. is reeling off a string of sophism to label the DPRK as a "disturber of peace" by terming the DPRK's self-defensive counteractions "provocations", but it is nothing but a poor artifice to conceal the aggressive nature and evade the responsibility for the escalating tension.

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