calendar>>September 29. 2016 Juche 105
CPRC Spokesman Condemns S. Korean Authorities for Slandering DPRK in UN Arena
Pyongyang, September 29 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Country (CPRC) of the DPRK gave an answer to a question put by KCNA Thursday as regards the fact that the south Korean puppet group of traitors impudently took issue with the DPRK's international position in the UN arena.

South Korean puppet Minister of Foreign Affairs Yun Pyong Se said at the UN General Assembly on September 22 that the "north has customarily violated the UN resolution," adding that it should be called into question whether it is qualified for being a member of the UN.

The spokesman said:

Yun made such reckless remarks out of despair and consciousness of setback that neither sanctions nor pressure can deter the DPRK from bolstering up its nuclear force. They amount to acknowledging themselves before the world that the sanctions against the DPRK and moves to stifle it pursued by the Park regime together with their U.S. master so far have totally gone bust. They, at the same time, clearly revealed that they are driven into a tight corner.

The puppet group accused the DPRK of "violating the UN resolution" and "mocking at the UN" and the like but, in actuality, it is none other than the U.S., the Park Geun Hye group of traitors and other vassal forces that wantonly violated and mocked at the UN Charter.

It is preposterous and shameful for the Park regime to dare find fault with the international position of the dignified DPRK as it is no more than the U.S. colonial puppets without any political independence and military sovereignty.

The desperate efforts made by the Park Geun Hye regime to escalate the confrontation with the DPRK, failing to face up to the trend of the times, would only prompt the latter to take a series of measures to bolster up its nuclear force and precipitate the former's final doom.

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