calendar>>October 3. 2016 Juche 105
Founding Anniversary of WPK Marked in Egypt, Austria
Pyongyang, October 3 (KCNA) -- A seminar was held in Egypt and a lecture in Austria on Sept. 27 and 28 on the 71st founding anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

Displayed at the venue of the seminar were photos of President Kim Il Sung, leader Kim Jong Il and Marshal Kim Jong Un.

Also on display were their works and publications introducing the DPRK.

A reporter and speakers including the vice-chairman of the Socialist Freedom Party of Egypt said that the WPK and the Korean people have always achieved victory and glory under the guidance of the great leaders.

As led by HE Kim Jong Un, the WPK is giving fuller play to its might as an invincible party and the DPRK is registering eye-opening successes in all fields, resolutely shattering the heinous moves of the imperialist allied forces to stifle it, they stressed.

The chief of the Group of Youth for the Study of Kim Jong Il Juche idea in Vienna said:

HE Kim Il Sung is the eternal leader of the Korean people who liberated the country from the colonial rule by the Japanese imperialists and founded the WPK.

The Korean people, holding HE Kim Jong Un in high esteem as chairman of the WPK, is winning great victory in the struggle to defend the sovereignty of the country, build a socialist power and achieve the independent and peaceful reunification of the country.

The participants in the events watched Korean films "Grand Celebration of 70th Founding Anniversary of Workers' Party of Korea in Presence of Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un" and "Monument to Party Founding".

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