calendar>>October 3. 2016 Juche 105
Actions against Park Geun Hye Group Called for
Pyongyang, October 3 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) held a rally in Taegu on October 1 on the lapse of seven decades since the October popular resistance and called for the actions to settle accounts with the Park Geun Hye group, according to the south Korean internet paper Voice of People.

The speakers said the October popular resistance has been recorded in history even now as righteous struggle for abolishing the group of traitors violating life of the people.

The KCTU should take the lead in the struggle for changing the world as the workers did in the October popular resistance, they said, adding that the wind of the struggle will sweep across south Korea with the rally as an occasion.

They called upon workers to turn out in the struggle to put an end to the Park Geun Hye regime and build a new world where the workers become master in the spirit of the October popular resistance.

At the end of the rally the participants launched a demonstration march.

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