calendar>>October 3. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Scholar on U.S. Rhetoric "Threat to World Community"
Pyongyang, October 3 (KCNA) -- The United States has frequently claimed that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea poses "threat to the world community".

In this regard, Dr. Kang Chol of Kim Il Sung University, an expert on journalism, told KCNA in reference to phrase "world community" the U.S. has repeatedly mentioned:

Doug Bandow, a former special assistant to U.S. President Ronald Reagan, said it was utterly absurd to describe the DPRK's nuclear test as a "direct threat to world community" and nobody on the earth shows interest in the fanciful being, "world community", the U.S. mentioned.

In a word, "world community" is a fiction often made by the U.S. to pull up the DPRK over its self-defensive measures.

A Brazilian newspaper contended that the U.S.-led imperialist allied forces would brand as "rogue states" and "threat to the world community" any countries standing against their gangster-like logic and openly encroach upon their sovereignty and rights to existence by abusing the name of the United Nations.

Then, where does the real threat come from in this world?

The answer can be found in an article titled "Who was the mastermind of nuclear test in the DPRK", carried by Chinese newspaper Ta Kung Pao in Hong Kong.

What compelled the DPRK to possess nuclear weapons was mainly the military arbitrariness, armed intervention and high-handed practices done by the U.S. in Iraq, Libya and other parts of the world, the article said, adding it is none other than the U.S. who threatens the whole world while escalating the tense situation.

Political and press circles in many countries have contended that the U.S. is entirely responsible not only for the DPRK's nuclear issue but also for all the crises in the various regions of the world.

The U.S., chief criminal threatening the international community and wrecking the global peace, should behave itself, pondering over its catastrophic crisis to be caused by its reckless action such as shifting the blame for its wrongdoings onto others.

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