calendar>>October 4. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary Condemns S. Korean Authorities for Going against Trend of History
Pyongyang, October 4 (KCNA) -- The south Korean authorities busied themselves with "diplomacy for putting pressure on the north" at the UN and other international arenas.

Traitor Park Geun Hye during her recent junkets to foreign countries including Netherlands allegedly agreed to boost the international cooperation in pressurizing the DPRK, blustering that the "north's nukes would will bring an unavoidable disaster."

The south Korean puppet minister of Foreign Affairs blustered at the talks with his U.S. and Japanese counterparts in New York that "if they fail to strongly react to the nuclear capability of the north which has reached a high level, it would bring worldwide disaster".

Earlier, the south Korean puppet minister of Defense in phone messages with his counterparts of the U.S. and Japan begged them to "ratchet up sanctions in response to the provocation".

The hectic diplomacy conducted by the Park Geun Hye group to turn the 71st UN General Assembly into a platform for stirring up the atmosphere of escalating the international sanctions and pressure upon the DPRK is nothing but ridiculous hysteria of halfwits unaware of how the trend of history has changed.

The geopolitical situation of the world has changed thanks to the strategic position and might of the DPRK defending the sovereignty of the nation and its right to live and stability in the Asia-Pacific region with the treasured nuclear sword of justice.

No sanctions on the part of the U.S. and its vassal forces can ever work on the DPRK dynamically advancing, holding aloft the banner of Songun and the banner of the self-development-first principle.

The "story about the uselessness of sanctions" against the DPRK is heard among the U.S. and its vassal forces which have staged the harshest sanctions and pressure racket against the DPRK for the past several decades since they put it "on the list of diverse sanctions."

The south Korean puppet group are behaving in a disgusting manner, talking about "strategic partnership" and "international cooperation" but nobody regards them as a counterpart for "diplomatic cooperation." Foreign countries just treat the puppet forces as U.S. colonial stooges and rabid dogs running amuck to do harm to their fellow countrymen in the north.

No matter what hectic diplomacy south Korean authorities, the sycophants bereft of even an iota of national self-esteem, may conduct in different countries in a bid to hurt the compatriots, the DPRK's strategic position can never change.

Their diplomacy of clinging tighter to the coattails of foreign forces would only bring bitterer shame and invite international isolation and precipitate their miserable end.

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