calendar>>October 5. 2016 Juche 105
History of Kim Il Sung University Introduced by Russian Magazine
Pyongyang, October 5 (KCNA) -- A Russian on-line magazine carried a write-up on September 30 to observe the 70th founding anniversary of Kim Il Sung University.

The magazine in an article titled "Highest seat of Juche-oriented science and education" illustrated with a photo of the statue of leader Kim Jong Il at the university said:

The history of Kim Il Sung University is the history of the guidance of the great Comrades Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un.

Comrade Kim Il Sung, regarding the education and training of native cadres as the most important state affair related to the destiny of the country and nation, guided the building of the university despite the difficult and complicated situation after the country's liberation.

Finally, Kim Il Sung University, the university for the people, was founded on October 1, 1946.

Comrade Kim Jong Il studied at the university.

Right after enrolling at the university on September 1, 1960, he climbed Ryongnam Hill, where he took an historic oath to glorify Korea.

Comrade Kim Jong Un made sure that the statue of Comrade Kim Jong Il was erected at the university associated with his undying exploits.

We are sure that Kim Il Sung University will as ever train more excellent native cadres to contribute to building a socialist power.

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