calendar>>October 5. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's Bolstering of Nuclear Deterrent Supported by Russian Body
Pyongyang, October 5 (KCNA) -- The Russian Group for Solidarity with the DPRK released a statement on September 29 supporting the DPRK's bolstering of nuclear deterrent.

Noting the world public is getting increasingly vocal in condemning the U.S. imperialists and their followers for working hard to stifle the DPRK, the statement said:

One hundred and tens of countries, the majority of UN member states, are opposing and rejecting the on-going unprecedented moves of the U.S. to isolate the DPRK from the international community and stifle it.

The U.S. and other forces hostile to the DPRK are getting ever more desperate in their moves of aggression on the Korean peninsula.

It is the present reality that innocent people are suffering pain in many countries due to the U.S. and its followers.

The Korean people firmly preserving the sovereignty of their country are the model of the progressive mankind struggling for global independence.

Nuclear weapons are the only means for protecting world peace and security and making the U.S. and other aggressors not go on the rampage.

We support the DPRK steadily bolstering its nuclear deterrent and wish its people bigger successes in building a socialist power.

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