calendar>>October 7. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun on DPRK's Measures for Bolstering up Its Capability for Self-Defence
Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- VOA and UPI, etc. reported recently it is a big problem that right now the U.S. has no way of preventing unforeseeable tough measures of the DPRK. They added: It conducted the ground jet test of a new type high-power engine of a carrier rocket for geo-stationary satellite. Given the case in the DPRK where once an instruction is given by leader Kim Jong Un, it is implemented as a law, a satellite may be launched in the near future.

Rodong Sinmun Friday observes in a commentary:

All monumental structures built on this land and eye-opening achievements made in the field of defence science and technology in recent years to stun even military powers are products of self-reliance and self-development.

A lot of wealth created by the DPRK despite the U.S. imperialists' constant threat of military aggression and the harshest sanctions in history provides a convincing proof that sanctions can never work on the DPRK.

The DPRK has never been free from sanctions.

Even at this moment, the U.S. ruling quarters are racking their brains to seek the most effective sanctions against the DPRK.

But, this would get them nowhere.

The DPRK is not afraid of any sanctions to be slapped by the U.S. No matter how desperately the U.S. may work, the DPRK's strategic position as a nuclear power will never change.

It is the DPRK's stand that it would neither waver nor step back even an inch from the road of bolstering up its capability for self-defence.

The U.S. would be well advised to face up to the reality and ponder over the catastrophic consequences to be entailed by its sanctions and blockade.

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