calendar>>October 7. 2016 Juche 105
Park Geun Hye's Decision to Deploy THAAD Near "Holy Land" of Ronal Buddhism under Fire
Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Religious Believers Council of Korea released a statement Friday lashing out at Park Geun Hye of south Korea for recently deciding to deploy THAAD, source of aggression and war, near the "holy land" of Ronal Buddhism.

The Council of Religionists for Peace comprising seven religious orders in south Korea released a statement protesting against the lethal weapons on the "holy land" of religion which prioritizes peace and Catholicism, Confucianism, Songgyungwan, Christianity, Buddhism and other religious circles have turned out together with Ronal Buddhism in the struggle against THAAD deployment which Park is pushing forward, the statement said, and went on:

Their dynamic struggle against the evil of the times is due obligation and just deed of the religionists who love justice and peace and value faith.

The "holy land" of religion has been sacred all times and places and the faith of the religionists and their pilgrimage to it are inseparable from each other. Therefore, Park's decision to deploy THAAD in it amounts to a crackdown on religion and violation of faith and pilgrimages.

Not content with using government power against religious facilities without hesitation, outmatching the fascist temper of her father who was an ill-famed "yusin" dictator, she is now working hard to introduce the war asset even into the "holy land." If her frenzy is unchecked, justice and peace will be wrecked and the nation is bound to suffer a nuclear war disaster.

All south Korean religionists who value love, peace and justice should never pardon the moves of Park Geun Hye, sycophant, traitor and confrontation manic, to deploy THAAD but courageously turn out in the struggle to flush out the U.S. forces, stumbling block lying in the way of national reconciliation, unity, peace and reunification.

The Religious Believers Council of Korea expresses expectation and belief that the south Korean religionists including Ronal Buddhists will continue their valiant actions against THHAD deployment to protect the "holy land."

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