calendar>>October 8. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Will Make Efforts for Denuclearization of World
Pyongyang, October 8 (KCNA) -- The representative of the DPRK made a speech at the First Committee of the 71st UN General Assembly on October 6.

It is the common aspiration and common desire of mankind to live in the world peaceful and secure, free of nuclear weapons, he said, and went on:

In building the peaceful world, disarmament, in particular nuclear disarmament is of the greatest importance. In this context, the DPRK fully supports the global struggle for total elimination of nuclear weapons.

As far as the nuclear disarmament is concerned, whether it is achieved or not largely depends on the political determination and practical will of the big powers that possess larger stockpiles of nuclear weapons.

The United States is yet frequently talking about the so-called vision of "the world free of nuclear weapons," but it is only a hypocrisy intended to deceive the world and it is none other than a screen for covering up its strategy of nuclear monopoly and world hegemony.

The continuing maneuvers of the U.S. for modernization of nuclear weapons are an act of challenge to the desire of mankind to live in the world free of nuclear weapons, posing the greatest threat to the very survival of mankind as well as the world peace and security.

Today nuclear weapons are blatantly being used as a means of blackmailing in pursuit of global domination and interference, causing serious concern to the international community.

The typical example is the nuclear threats and blackmail of the United States towards the DPRK.

While the whole world is watching in great anxiety the situation development on the Korean peninsula, the ever worst danger of war is looming in that part of the world, which can be ignited due to the collision between nukes and nukes and arms and arms.

In the face of never-ending threats coming from the United States, the DPRK had no other option but to make a strategic decision to counter them with its own nuclear deterrent and this is a self-defensive measure to safeguard its national sovereignty and right to existence.

It is the unswerving stand of the DPRK to rely on its powerful nuclear deterrence and fundamentally remove the danger of a nuclear war being imposed by the U.S., and safeguard the peace and security of the region and the world at large.

The UN Security Council, however, defined in an arbitrary manner only the DPRK's nuclear tests and rocket launches as the "threats to international peace and security," and adopted "resolutions" banning them.

The true colors of the UN Security Council "sanctions resolutions" against the DPRK lies in the fact that their adoption is an abuse of power purely in pursuit of political purposes misusing the UN Charter.

On the other hand, at the G-77 ministerial meeting held on the sidelines of the current 71st UN General Assembly recently, a declaration rejecting the unilateral sanctions against the DPRK and demanding the immediate lifting of them was adopted.

The DPRK possessed nuclear deterrent in order to cope with the nuclear threats coming from the U.S. and to safeguard the supreme interest of the country, the security of the nation and peace.

As it has already declared itself as a responsible nuclear weapon state, the DPRK will not use nuclear weapons first, unless the forces of aggression hostile to the country violate its sovereignty with nuclear weapons and the DPRK will faithfully observe its commitment to nuclear non-proliferation as it has made before the international community, and strive for global denuclearization.

The DPRK will promote exchange and cooperation with international space organizations and space institutions of other countries. It will also continue to have the door wider open with greater enthusiasm towards conquering the world of the outer space, as a proud member of 10 major spacefaring nations, while ensuring transparency in conformity with the relevant international norms and practices.

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