calendar>>October 10. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Papers on WPK, Invincible Revolutionary Party
Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- DPRK leading newspapers Monday carry editorials to mark the 71st anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

The founding of the WPK was a solemn declaration that heralded the birth of new-type revolutionary party in the era of independence and a significant event that brought about a fundamental turn in carving out the destiny of the Korean nation, says Rodong Sinmun.

It goes on:

Over seven decades since its foundation have been the history in which the great power of truth enshrined by the revolutionary idea of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il was given full play in the struggle for building a powerful country, and the sacred one in which the party and people won victories while the former believing in the latter and vice versa.

The great leaders built our party into an invincible revolutionary party and the genuine political leadership organization that wages struggle for the people while forming a harmonious whole with them for the first time in history.

Thanks to the noble patriotic idea and leadership of the great leaders, our party has been able to demonstrate its might as defender of the people which firmly protected the destiny of the country and the nation with the successive victories in the showdown with the imperialists and the U.S., the creator of the people's happiness which built the powerful country independent in politics, self-supporting in economy and self-reliance in defence, an eternal cradle for posterity, and as the great party which provided a firm foundation guaranteeing the eternal future of the people under the uplifted banner of Songun despite grim tempests of history.

Our party is shining as the great Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist party which enjoys absolute support and trust of the people as it holds supreme leader Kim Jong Un in high esteem.

Invincible is the cause of the WPK as it has formed the harmonious whole with the people, devotedly serve the people and advance with the people's inexhaustible energy as a driving force.

Minju Joson says that the WPK is an invincible revolutionary party that leads the people's independent cause and the cause of building the powerful socialist country to victory. Absolute is the trust of service personnel and other people of the DPRK in the party and steadfast is their will to devote everything to the cause of building the powerful socialist power under the leadership of the party.

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